The Bible teaches: by this I mean "..it is taught in the Scriptures." The Scriptures are the final inspired word of God to man.
There is only one authority because there is one body, and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling: one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all. Herein lies the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ. He prayed that all believers would be one. John 17:21. To the extent that believers are not one is the extent that unbeliever can say "...confusion reigns among religion therefore I reject it" You know it is true and you have seen it.
Thanks for visiting. Donald Raby
Although the body of Jesus Christ is not divided, would you not agree that Satan has many false "religions" out "there" and that even these are used of God as the separation of the wheat and tare and if you would agree, and I assume you would, then is it not complimentary of the wheat that it does no work except grow. And would you not agree that it is the sower that planted and the Father which watereth and causes the growth therefore the entrapment if you will for the tare is that it work evil among the wheat causing thorns and choking of the wheat as it seeks to take over that which is good all the while using the fruit of the wheat to continue its own growth. Is not the strength of the law - sin and sin condemned by the law and ultimately judged by the law which in and of itself states that law is good but the Christian is not under law that sin might abound.Now to those that disobey the law the law has a check but not to destroy the Christian but instead a "rooting" out of the tare which "choked" the good fruit of the wheat.Are we to obey law as a matter of obedience thus casting us into a willful disobedience of the grace of Christ which has delivered us from law into his marvelous grace and mercy that we might receive of every good gift from the Father of lights and in whom all is yea and not nay since all that is more than yea cometh of sin? My friend what do you think of his wonderful grace?
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